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The 8th Roundtable Meeting
Asia-Pacific Network for Holistic Education:
International Conference

Co-hosted by the Japanese Society for Holistic Education/Care

In collaboration  with Doshisha Well-being Research Center


Together again in Asia!

We are waiting for you on 28-29-30 March 2025


Doshisha University, Shinmachi Campus, Kyoto City, Japan

We are happy to inform you that after five years of disappearance, the Asia-Pacific Network for Holistic Education (APNHE) is back and ready to welcome you! After years of separation, there are definitely so many things we all can share!!!

This time, we are pleased to welcome you again to the beautiful historical city of Kyoto, in Japan, during a wonderful season of cherry blossoms. We are planning a 3-day session during which educators and practitioners will be able to share their experiences and vision for holistic education. This Roundtable Meeting will be an initial gathering of expected movers in holistic education in the Asia-Pacific region, and we also hope it will be a wonderful opportunity to create a network for holistic educators from around the globe. If you are practicing meditation or yoga as a session in your class, training self-reflection skills for teachers and students, or even developing the curriculum for contemplative learning in higher education, this is a place for you to be!!!

We are still working on the program for the conference, but along with the multiple presentations from you, our creative worldwide participants, we are planning to invite a few special guests from various fields related to holistic education. In addition, there will be several workshops and activities where you will be able to rest and enrich your body, mind, and soul♬

APNHE 2025 Organizing Committee:
Yoshiharu Nakagawa (Doshisha University)

Mari Iizuka (Doshisha University)
Irina Smykovskaya (Kyoto University)
Takayuki Okazaki (Doshisha University)
Yoko Okumoto (Koshien University)


Tentative Schedule

March 28, 2025 (Friday)

14:00-15:00 Registration
15:00 Opening
15:00-17:30 Presentations

17:00-18:00 Registration

18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception (Dinner Party)

Mr. Vladimir Smykovsky (Viola solist)

March 29, 2025 (Saturday)

9:00 Registration

9:20-10:20 Talk and Song, Mr. Koji Yuuki (Ainu artist)

10:30-12:00 Keynote Speech: Dr. Atsuhiko Yoshida (President of the Japanese Society for Holistic Education/Care)

12:00-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-17:00 Presentations

17:00-18:00 Noh Play: Mr. Haruhisa Kawamura (Noh Actor & Visiting Professor, Doshisha University)


March 30, 2025 (Sunday)

8:30 Registration

9:00-10:00 Keynote Speech: Jack Miller (online) 

10:00-12:00 Presentations

12:00-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-15:00 Keynote Speech: Mr. Takahiko Kawate (Curative educator)

15:00-16:30 Presentations

16:30-17:00 Closing 



Call for Papers: Call for Presentation Proposals Extended to January 31, 2025

If you are interested in joining us as a presenter or just a participant, here is the link for the registration form. Each presentation has 30 min.

Participants without presentations can make registrations until March 20.


Registration: The 8th Roundtable Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Network for Holistic Education: International Conference (

If you don't receive an acceptance letter or confirmation email within about a week of yourregistration, please contact us at


All information about the conference will be sent to your email address in your registrationform.


Fee: International participants USD $100.

Sorry, the accommodation and first-day dinner party prices are not included.

Dinner party fee (International participants): $50   

Please pay by cash on the day of your arrival.

We will provide all necessary documentation for your participation.

Domestic participants: Participation fee ¥10,000 and Dinner party ¥5,000

Call for Presentation Proposals Extended to January 31, 2025

Venue Address:

159-1 Konoeden Omote-cho, Imadegwa-agaru, Shinmachi-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-0047, Japan

京都市上京区新町通今出川上ル近衛殿表町159-1 同志社大学新町キャンパス
Doshisha Shinmachi Campus is located near the Imadegawa Subway Station (10 minutes walk).

Campus map:

Contact: If you have questions, please feel free to contact us:

Accommodations: Please find your accommodation by yourself. Kyoto has many
hotels, inns, and guesthouses. You can get information through travel sites. Spring is a
tourist season, so we recommend you book your accommodation as soon as possible.

Doshisha University is located just north of the Palace. Kyoto City Subway is
convenient for moving from where you will stay.
Oike and Shijo Karasuma Station areas
are in downtown Kyoto. 

          ※       ※       ※       ※      ※

A brief history of our previous events, APNHE Mission, and Objectives:


1. To sustain and extend the network of holistic education in the Asia-Pacific region.

2. To accelerate and support cooperation in the research of holistic education in the Asia-Pacificregion.

3. To organize international conferences on holistic education.


1. To share knowledge and experiences of holistic education.

2. To foster academic research on holistic education.

3. To organize international conferences on holistic education.

Brief History

1.May 23-24, 2013:The First Roundtable Meeting was held at Mahidol University, Thailand, by the Contemplative Education Center of Mahidol University and the Arsomsilp Institute of the Arts.

2.November 8, 2013:The 2nd Roundtable Meeting was held at Namseoul University, Korea, by the Korean Society for Holistic Education.

3.June 6-8, 2015:The 3rd Roundtable Meeting was held at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, by Prof. Nakagawa.

4.November 11-13, 2016:The 4th Roundtable Meeting was held at Taylor’s University in Malaysia by Dr. Siew Fun Tang.

5.November 23-25, 2017The 5th Meeting: Value Learning was held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok by theArsomsilp Institute of the Arts (President: Dr. Prapapat Niyom).

6.March 27-29, 2018:The 6th Roundtable Meeting was held at Doshisha University in Kyoto, collaborating with the Doshisha Well-being Research Center (Director: Prof. Iizuka, Mari).

7.October 24-26, 2019:The 7th Roundtable Meeting was held at Gyeongin National University of Education in Anyang,Korea, by the Korean Society for Holistic Education (Dr. Bokyoung Kim and Dr. Minyoung Song).


Looking forward to seeing you at APNHE 2025

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